A few weeks ago I completed the overhaul of my miniatures area and office/games storage room, both to reduce clutter and prepare for the day when I have more completed miniatures to store. So 7 new wall shelves went up, plus a new workshop-style standing shelf (those flimsy steel things for garages and the like) and one more respectable looking bookshelf (with classy new antique bookends).
So here's what I got now:

The main painting area's down at the end, under the Fokker Triplane photo. To the upper right are plastic animals and creatures for 28mm VSF, pulp, etc., to their right are a billion GHQ 6mm mini's waiting for some love.
To the left are shelves for works-in-progress, and some materials storage (Fimo clay for example). The paint rack is hopefully self-evident.

This is the most significant outcome - my big cutting board is essentially clear again, no more works-in-progress on top of it. The white shelving unit is mainly a bits box - have lotsa bits.

The office, reduced down to a desk now really, and most of the shelves, as the room becomes a storage unit for stuff waiting its turn, or has been completed. The curtain hides a big ass old window, that no set of shades would cover without engineering or expense. I don't have the patience for the former and too many goodies to buy for the latter, so it's kinda jury-rigged.
Otherwise I've been finishing last month's to-do's on the table - wrapping up the cleaning of miniatures so I can devote 2011 to painting. Alright, so now it'll end up as the 11 months of 2011, but the shelves made me miss my December target!